
Symposium I

Spiritual Care Interventions in Nursing and Midwifery

Watch the recording of the Session here.

1. Existential communication in maternity care – experiences from a postgraduate short course
2. Mindfulness: Spiritual Care Strategy
3. Spiritual interventions delivered by nurses to address patients' needs in critical care
4. Visual Stimuli in Spiritual Care Education


Symposium II

Spiritual Care Competencies - Different Perspectives

Watch the recording of the Session here.

1. Innovation in nursing and midwifery education: An evidence-based standard to enhance spiritual care provision in practice
2. The effectiveness of an educational program on spiritual care in undergraduate nursing students
3. Spiritual competences in nursing students using clinical simulation training program
4. A Novel Training Program for Mental Health Providers in Religious and Spiritual Competencies


Symposium III

Taking a Spiritual History – A Basic Tool for Spiritual Care

Watch the recording of the Session here.

1. Taking a Spiritual History – Why and How? A Basic Competency in Practicing Spiritual Care
2. Effectiveness of a complex intervention comprising spiritual history taking in primary care – results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial
3. An Islamic Model for Taking Patients' Spiritual History
4. Spiritual History Taking in Medical Students


Symposium IV

How to Identify and Address Spiritual Needs in Different Religious and Cultural Contexts

Watch the recording of the Session here.

1. Spiritual Needs in healthy people from secular Denmark
2. Spiritual Needs of Patients from Italy with Cancer and Other Chronic Disorders
3. Development of Spiritual Needs during the treatment of patients with breast cancer
4. Implementation of the Spiritual Needs Screener in Palliative Consulting Processes


Symposium V

Spiritual Care: New research methods in palliative and psychotherapeutic care

Watch the recording of the Session here.

1. Psychotherapists‘ Evaluation of Spiritual Anamnesis in Comparison to Sexual and Somatic Anamnesis
2. Existential issues in psychotherapy (losses, loneliness and lack of respect)
3. Preparing for death: new rituals in the care for the dying. A survey on chaplains, health care professionals, and family caregivers
4. Ambivalences concerning the desire for hastened death in palliative patients


Symposium VI

Spiritual Care Interventions in Children

Watch the recording of the Session here.

1. Spirituality and children development: understanding for healthcare practice
2. Spirituality and Psychology in Children
3. Implications of Theological Viewpoints for Spiritual Care for Children
4. Discussion: Future Challenges for Spiritual Care Interventions for Children

