Welcome to the Post-Conference Website of ECRSH 2014

Integrating Religion/Spirituality into Clinical Practice: Focus on Health Care Professionals

May 22-24, 2014, in Malta

The 4th European Conference on Religion, Spirituality and Health took place in Malta. It was a great gathering of about 200 researchers and health professionals of more than 20 nations, exchanging their expertise and research results.

For details see the complete conference folder (PDF ) as well as audio recordings and slides (in the programme section) from the presentations. (Apologies for the poor sound quality!)

The opening speech was held by the President of Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.

Robert Hesse from the Institute for Spirituality and Health from Houston/TX, USA, wrote a nice report.

Heinz L. Unger, Evang. Krankenhaus Kalk (Koeln) wrote a report in a magazin for Christians in the health care sector (in German language).

The Swiss Working-Group for "Psychology and Faith" also published a conference report (in German language), 2/2014

René Hefti MD
International Organising Committee
Research Institute, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Donia Baldacchino
Local Organising Committee
University of Malta

Pre-Conference Workshop

with Prof. Harold G. Koenig
April 27-30, 2008

Register now!
