Forgiveness in Health, Medicine and Social Sciences
May 17-19, 2018, Coventry (England)
The 2018 Conference was a joint venture of the European Initiative on Religion, Spirituality and Health and the British Association for the Study of Spirituality (BASS). The Conference took place at Coventry University, England. The main topic was "Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Health, Medicine and Social Sciences". Keynote speakers from a variety of disciplines provided a comprehensive overview on the topic. Symposia and abstracts allowed researchers to discuss and present their research projects. The conference was a scientific gathering of researchers, health professionals and other experts from many nations.
Here is the conference folder which contains the schedule and all the conference abstracts.
There is also a blog article about the conference on the Psychology Today website.
PREVIEW ECRSH 2020: Lisbon, May 28-30, 2020
The Organizing Committee
René Hefti, MD
International Organising Committee ECRSH
Research Institute (RISH), Switzerland
Thomas Wartenweiler, PhD Candidate
Conference Office ECRSH 2018
Research Institute (RISH), Switzerland
Prof. Christopher Cook
International Organising Committee BASS
Durham University, UK
Deborah Lycett, PhD
Local Organising Committee
Coventry University, UK