
Guidelines for oral presentations

Online participants

Your presentation will be a part of an online session. You will be able to share your screen with the audience. Depending on the number of presenters, you will have between 10 and 15 minutes to present your topic followed by 3 to 5 minutes of questions and discussion. Clarify the details of your presentation with the session chair beforehand and login via the Whova conference App for your presentation.

On-site participants

Your presentation will be held in one of the rooms for the parallel session in front of a laptop and be streamed to the online participants. You have between 10 and 15 minutes to present your topic followed by 3 to 5 minutes of questions and discussion.


Guidelines for poster presentations

Online participants

Posters will be available on the conference website during the whole conference. Please use portrait/upright format. For the structuring of text, tables, graphs and images there are no guidelines. Please send your PDFs to the conference office ""until May 10th, 2024.

A virtual poster session will be held Friday May 17, 1:30 - 2:30 pm (see program). You have 3 minutes to introduce your poster, followed by 2 minutes of questions and discussion. Additionally you can upload your biography and further information to the Whova event platform.

On-site participants

Posters have to be printed in DIN A0 poster format (portrait/upright) and brought along. For the structuring of text, tables, graphs and images there are no guidelines. Upon arrival please contact the registration desk for further information on the poster exhibition.

Posters will be exhibited during the whole conference in the poster hall. They can also be uploaded to our website. Please send your PDFs to the conference office "".

A poster session, where participants can visit the poster on-site and authors will answer their questions, is planned for Friday May 17, 1:30 - 2:30 pm (see program). 

