In Cooperation with the Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg
The next European conference will be held as a hybrid event allowing onsite and online participation. The main topic is “Spiritual Care Interventions in Modern Health Care”. What interventions have been established and what do we know about their benefit for patients. European and international keynote speakers from a variety of disciplines and professional backgrounds will present their results and experiences. Symposia and free communications allow researchers to discuss their projects and findings. The social and online interactive program promotes exchange and networking among conference participants onsite and online.
Dr. René Hefti
International Organising Committee, Coordinator of the European Board,
Research Institute RISH, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Arndt Büssing
International Scientific Committee,
Member of the European Board
Univ. of Witten-Herdecke, Germany
Prof. Dr. Piret Paal
Local Organising Committee
Paracelsus Medical University, Institute of Palliative Care, Salzburg, Austria
Prof. Dr. Stefan Lorenzl
Local Organising Committee
Paracelsus Medical University, Institute of Palliative Care, Salzburg, Austria